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Recently, the Presbytery staff ran across a bit of wisdom from beloved television series “The Office”: 

I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.

It is human nature to yearn for something we perceive existed and no longer does.  Really, however, isn’t that a waste of energy and time?  Not only can we not turn back time, do we really have any assurance that “back then” was better than now?   It might be tempting to point to one circumstance or another and rush to prove that we are closer to disaster than not, but at our February 8th Stated Meeting, we got to see all sorts of proof that we are in the good times right now.  A record attendance, inspiring worship, engaged attendees with respectful debate and discussion, delicious and bountiful refreshments, time to talk with one another about our ideas for our congregations, our presbytery, and our denomination…. The list just goes on and on.  The Presbytery staff is lucky – we get to see that sort of engaged commitment to living faithful lives everyday as we go about our work because we get to do our work with all of you.  Let’s work hard to be certain that every day as this connectional body can be recorded as a good one together.  


Curious about the business conducted at the recent Stated Meeting?  The highlights are available on the PMT website!


We recently learned of the death of Mary McCullough on Sunday, February 16.  Mrs. McCullough was the wife of the Rev. John McCullough who survives her, along with her two daughters and their families.   She enjoyed active membership at  Woodland Presbyterian for 37 years, many of which were spent with her husband serving as pastor.  She was a beloved kindergarten teacher for many years at the University School of Nashville.  Her memorial service will be Friday at 2:00 pm at Woodland.  We give thanks for this remarkable life of service both in the church and in the community.


We have all watched with horror the news reports of the deluge of rain, especially in Montgomery County last weekend.  If you would like to help those affected, please consider sending donations to First Presbyterian, Clarksville, marked “flood relief”.  Staff and volunteers there report that an apartment complex across the street was heavily damaged and the residents have very few resources.  For more information, please contact First Clarksville.



Just a reminder that we will hold a webinar on Thursday, March 6th at 2:00 pm.  Registration is available on our website.  We will hear from denomination experts at the Presbyterian Investment and Loans Program as well as our Interim Unified Agency and the A Corp.  We will discuss issues such as the privileges afforded to churches who are “exempt” from certain Book of Order provisions as well as learn more about the Trust Clause.  The program will be recorded and available on our website.






On February 25th, the Insurance Board will present a webinar on Safe Conduct Best Practices within the church.  You can register for that here: https://events.zoom.us/e/view/-1z2OAVaQeudsJSX2CicUA/purchase

This webinar will be recorded and available on the Insurance Board website.


Are there issues about which you would like to learn more?  Let us know!  Our COM is busy planning initiatives to train Ruling Elders to administer the Lord’s Supper as well as a webinar for congregations who want to be sure they have good internal financial controls and systems and other financial literacy issues.  




As part of their commitment as a Certified Recovery Congregation, East Brentwood Presbyterian Church is developing a recovery community that will bring together those who are struggling with addiction and their support community. The first gathering will be on March 25th and will meet on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Please see the flyer for additional details.
Got an item for Seen and Heard? We love to feature our congregations and friends! Send to either Gregory Taylor at Gregory.midtennpres@gmail.com or Mary Catherine Sevier at sc.midtennpres@gmail.com
Currently, these are the active pastoral searches being conducted within the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee. The Ministry Information Form can be accessed through the link beside the church name.

Come work for the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee or other PC-USA entity!
Interim Pastor, Priest Lake Presbyterian Church, Nashville,TN (click here)
Solo Pastor, Second Presbyterian Church, Nashville,TN (click here)
PT Church Organist and Choir Director, First Presbyterian Church of Spring Hill, TN (click here)
Executive Presbyter of North Alabama Presbytery (click here)
Full-time, Part-time, or Bi-vocational pastor, First Presbyterian Church, McMinnville, TN (click here)
Solo Pastor, Harpeth Presbyterian Church,Brentwood click here
PT Pastor,  Bethbirei Presbyterian Church, Lewisburg, TN (click here)
Solo Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Gallatin, TN (click here)
Solo Pastor, Calvary Presbyterian Church of Big Lick, Crossville, TN  (click here)

New Opportunities within PMT
Job postings can be found here
The Presbytery of Middle Tennessee
1113 Murfreesboro Rd., Suite 106 #216
Franklin, TN  37064
Does your congregation have prayer requests, celebrations, or moments to share with your Presbytery family? Please email us and we will include them in the next eNews.
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Presbytery of Middle Tennessee
1113 Murfreesboro Rd., Suite 106 #216
Franklin, TN 37064

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