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Sometimes toward the end of January, when all the excitement and joy of Advent and Christmas has gone, the last of the decorations have finally been swept away, the fun of January birthdays and fresh New Year starts has past, and the cold seems to settle in all around, it is hard to remember the warmth of faith.  Faith takes constant work, really, doesn’t it? We can’t meet the Word Incarnate for coffee, call or text at will, or even check the latest posting.   We have to rely on the hard intellectual and emotional work of believing – the words of Paul to the Hebrews: “now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things unseen” (RSV).  

So what to do when we are tired? Dispirited? Not really sure we are up to the task of faith? Sometimes nothing at all.  The beauty of faith unseen is just that – when we don’t see it, it gently re-asserts itself around us to bolster our continued work.  As the hymnist reminds us, an abounding faith lets us call on Him when He is near and seek where is He is found. Thanks to be God for these times of strength and of weakness.




The Presbytery will vote on the amendments and the ecumenical agreement proposed by the 226th General Assembly at our February 8 Stated Meeting.  If you are a commissioner to that meeting, you can begin working now to discern the Holy Spirit’s will by learning more about the amendments and reading the recommendations of our PJC.  The PJC will also hold a town hall next week by Zoom to discuss and answer any question about its recommendations, which you can find on our website. Keep watching this space for information about the town hall.  In the meantime, the website has the recommendations from our PJC as well as the full text of the amendments and the agreement.

Please thank your PJC for their hard work in helping us all discern the Holy Spirit’s will in this process.

Remember to register now for the Stated Meeting ! The link to register for the February 8 Stated Meeting is available on the website –the packet will be released on Friday, January 24 and sent to the distribution list as well as available on the website.  Please plan to attend – we will participate in work with the Visioning team as well as install our moderator and vice-moderator and vote on the amendments.



Beware of scammers!  We recently received  information from another presbytery that churches were being contacted  and visited by individuals posing as visitors who want to get to know the membership.  The scammer then asks for a church directory and emails or texts members. Please consider carefully before you share your church’s membership directory. 

Below is an example of the text or email the scammer might send each member:

  • Are you less busy at the moment? I have a request for you to manage confidentially. I will be in a meeting in a few minutes, no calls so kindly respond via text. Blessings, Pastor [Name concealed
  • Okay , I've been planning to surprise some diligent staff with gift cards today but have been busy with church duties. Can you handle this discreetly for me and keep it confidential until they receive the cards. I'll reimburse the cost. Can I count on you
  •   Here's what I need you to do, and I would really appreciate it if they could have the cards today. I was thinking of getting gift cards for the staff. I need two Apple gift cards, each worth $500 (totaling $1000). You can pick them up from any Safeway, Fred Meyer , New Seasons , Zupan ,or other grocery stores.
Curious about what it means to be a connectional denomination in terms of church property? Have you heard that your congregation took “the exemption” during Reunion?  What does that mean today?  Let’s all gather and learn more together.  On Thursday, March 6 at 2:00 pm, PMT will host a Zoom webinar with Clare Lewis, President and CEO of the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Laurie Griffith, General Counsel and Associate Director for Constitutional Interpretations at the Interim United Agency, and April Davenport, General  Counsel and VP at the ACorp.  They will help us all understand the Trust Clause, the exemption clause, and generally what it means to hold property and be part of the PC-USA.  Watch the website for registration information to get the Zoom link!

Our friends at NaCoMe are planning lots of activities – see below for this opportunity!

Don't miss out on the best summer yet! Register your camper for an adventure-filled summer at the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee's very own NaCoMe Camp & Retreat Center!

Session Info: June 1-6, June 8-13, June 15-20, June 20-22, June 22-27

Ages: Rising 2nd grade-12th grade. 

Pick your camper's week of fun today at: https://www.nacome.org/find-a-camp-at-nacome-camp

Contact our Summer Camp Director, Ileana, at summercamp@nacome.org for more information.

The Committee on Mutual Support is discussing opportunities for member churches to be a “sanctuary” for members and/or community members at risk of deportation by working with the organization REMIX.  Learn more about this group here: 


Please see the information below if your congregation is interested in learning more.


Join the Nashville Korean PC and Historic Franklin PC as they joyfully install their new pastors!
Il Sun Kim (PK) will be installed this Sunday, January 26, and we are all invited! Please RSVP
by Friday to Mihyea Fisher at mihyea@gmail.com

The Reverend Claire Berry will be installed at Historic Franklin on February 2. Please plan to
attend that service as well!

Do you enjoy using the daily devotions in These Days? This week’s entries come from Todd
Brison, a deacon at First Dickson. Make sure you get a copy!

Got an item for Seen and Heard? We love to feature our congregations and friends! Send to either Gregory Taylor at Gregory.midtennpres@gmail.com or Mary Catherine Sevier at sc.midtennpres@gmail.com
Currently, these are the active pastoral searches being conducted within the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee. The Ministry Information Form can be accessed through the link beside the church name.

Come work for the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee or other PC-USA entity!
Solo Pastor, Second Presbyterian Church, Nashville,TN (click here)
PT Church Organist and Choir Director, First Presbyterian Church of Spring Hill, TN (click here)
Executive Presbyter of North Alabama Presbytery (click here)
Full-time, Part-time, or Bi-vocational pastor, First Presbyterian Church, McMinnville, TN (click here)
Solo Pastor, Harpeth Presbyterian Church,Brentwood click here
PT Pastor,  Bethbirei Presbyterian Church, Lewisburg, TN (click here)
Solo Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Gallatin, TN (click here)
Solo Pastor, Calvary Presbyterian Church of Big Lick, Crossville, TN  (click here)

New Opportunities within PMT
Job postings can be found here
The Presbytery of Middle Tennessee
1113 Murfreesboro Rd., Suite 106 #216
Franklin, TN  37064
Does your congregation have prayer requests, celebrations, or moments to share with your Presbytery family? Please email us and we will include them in the next eNews.
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1113 Murfreesboro Rd., Suite 106 #216
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