Learn more about PW Gives Day, including how to give, by clicking here!
About Presbyterian Women

Purpose: Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:
• To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study
• To support the mission of the church worldwide
• To work for justice and peace, and
• To build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
PW is connectional at the church, presbytery, synod and churchwide levels, and is an all-inclusive body supporting Bible study, mission and worshipful work. PW and the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee share common ministry and mission goals.
Through elected officers, PW of Middle Tennessee is the primary communication link between Presbyterian Women and the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee. The Moderator of Presbyterian Women has the privilege of voice and vote on the floor of the presbytery.
The ministry and work of Presbyterian Women in Middle Tennessee are performed with the purpose of building an inclusive, caring community that strengthens the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Coordinating Team
Moderator: Diane Thurston
Vice Moderator: VACANT
Recording Secretary: Patricia Wright
Treasurer: Cynthia Palmer
Historian: VACANT
Chairman: Betty Currey
The PW events to come.
The PW publication is Horizons magazine, which is issued 6 times a year.
Who We Are
2021 Birthday Offering
Mission Opportunities
Mission Haven, Decatur, GA –– a furlough home for Presbyterian Missionaries
Guatemalan Women –– Q’quechi Peten Presbyteriale Pig Project

Presbyterian Women’s Pig Project for the Women of the Presbytery of the Petén
Based on the model from Heifer International, the women of the Presbytery of the Petén described a dream of how to help their church – a way for each Presbyteriale to help each church raise money. They want to buy two pigs for each church, plus enough wood and wire to build the pens. They would fatten the pigs, breed them, then sell them.
Click here for more of their story and how you can help.