UKirk Nashville
Presbyterian Campus Ministry at Vanderbilt and Belmont Universities
UKirk Nashville, formerly Presbyterian Student Fellowship, is a community dedicated to experiencing Christ on Nashville campuses through worship, service, and fellowship. We love to study scripture, ask hard questions, break bread, play, pray, and laugh together, and to extend the love of Christ to our neighbors. We have an over eight-decades long history as a ministry of the local Presbyterian churches (PCUSA and CPC). UKirk is an official student organization at both Vanderbilt and Belmont but welcomes students from all area schools.

UKirk Nashville..
UKirk Nashville is led by a Campus Minister / Executive Director, currently the Rev. Claire Berry, as well as a Board of Trustees, with representatives elected and approved by the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee.
Office Address:
2301 Vanderbilt Pl. PMB 406311, Nashville, TN 37240
Campus Pastor: Claire Berry
Web site:
Instagram: @ukirknashville